Thank you for purchasing our product!

We carry out strict quality control and before shipping, each bag of components as well as the packaging is weighed

Unfortunately, even with the strictest quality control, missing parts can always occur, so we ask for your understanding that machines can also make mistakes

Unfortunately, it can also happen that parts are lost during shipping. Even our Reobrix sellers can forget to pack parts:


  1. Please follow the instructions below to get the missing part(s)
  2. Look for the set number, the page number in the manual, construction step and which parts are missing in the respective construction step
  3. First, contact the seller who sells you the product and give them the information about the missing parts
  4. Describe the problem to the seller
  5. If the seller does not contact you or if it does not lead to an agreement in the communication, please contact us directly by email, we will help you :)


We ask for your understanding that we can only help you with spare parts if you have bought the set from a Reobrix dealer. if necessary, we will require proof from you